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A necessity to face ransomwares !

Our outsourced backup solution
AND business recovery

This solution is in line with sequal’s core business, which is the support of its Customers in the implementation of best practices in terms of information security, based on the ISO 27001 standard. Indeed, point A.12.3 of Annex A of this standard speaks of “Backup”, with the following objective: “Protect yourself from data loss”.

Through this solution, sequal aims to help its Customers to ensure the availability of their data when their usual work infrastructure is out of order. Having a backup, i.e. a copy of your files, and even a back-up infrastructure is extremely important when an entity wants to ensure the continuity of its activities, especially in a context where computer attacks invade the market.

Why is our solution the best fit
if security is important to you?

Why is our solution the best fit if security is important to you?

A segregated environment. The copy of your files is sent to a completely separate environment from your production servers. Therefore, if your production servers become unavailable due to an outage or an attack, the copy of your files remains available immediately.

All files are encrypted.

Minimum of 2 mandatory tests per year

2 mandatory tests per year

Our solution does not offer the possibility to store only copies of files because if the backups are not tested regularly, you cannot be sure of their usability, and thus of the availability of your information, when you really need it. To do this, we impose at least 2 mandatory tests per year:

File testing

We connect to the backup environment and check if the different files are available and functional. 

Testing the backup environment

We shut down your usual working infrastructure and validate if your entity can continue to work normally via the backup infrastructure.

Following these tests, a report is issued each time to document the following elements:

Timed history of events during testing;

Any problems encountered and how they were resolved, if any;

Possible updates of the documentation ;

Conclusions on the test in question.
